Outdoor Gear Portable Camping Cookware Set

Come and see our amazing products. Made of anodised aluminum,which makes it solid,light and easy to clean.This cooking set is a kind of non-stick cookware.There are foldable handles with silicone tube cover on pot and lid.After use, they can be folded to save space.Suitable for camping,hiking,backpacking,picnic and other outdoor activities.Suitable for 2-3 people,including a large pot,a frying pan,a teapot,two stainless steel cups,a fork,a spoon,a knife,a lock,a stove head.Custom logo is welcome. Pls confirm with us about the packing info, stock color and exact production time before placing your order.

Color: White, Black, Gray, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Brown,
Material: Aluminum
Size: 7.28 " x 4.92 " x 7.28 "

Quantity 20 50 100 300 500
Price 64.62 62.685 60.12 58.14 56.137

Imprint Method: Laser/Silkscreen
Imprint Color: Up to 2 colors
Price Includes: One color,one side,one location printing.
Full Color Process: Pls check with us before placing your order
Sold Unimprinted: Yes
Quantity 1
Price 60

Production Time: 15-25 Days
Rush Service: Y
Rush Time: 13 Days
Packaging: Case,Poly Bag
Free Shipping: Yes