Adult superhero capes

Come and see our amazing products. Adult superhero capes with tie around the neck, made of satin. Can be customized with your favourite pictures. Perfect for stage performances, parties, clubs, parades, sports events, night events, grand openings and so on. Pls confirm further with us if any query about packing info, inventory status and time schedule.

Color: White, Black, Gray, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Brown,
Material: Polyester
Size: 43 3/8 " x 27 1/2 "

Quantity 100 300 500 1000 5000
Price 5.895 5.175 4.575 4.395 4.14

Imprint Method: Laser/Silkscreen
Imprint Color: Up to 2 colors
Price Includes: One color,one side,one location printing.
Full Color Process: Pls check with us before placing your order
Sold Unimprinted: Yes
Quantity 1
Price 60

Production Time: 15-25 Days
Rush Service: Y
Rush Time: 13 Days
Packaging: Case,Poly Bag
Free Shipping: Yes